Capturing moments that you'll wish for again when little ones are no longer little. Let's be honest, Raising little tiny human being is equally rewarding and exhausting. There are imperfect and perfect moments that is part of parenthood. As your baby grows older, you're going to miss those chubby cheeks, thick arm rolls, the irresistible baby scent, the belly laughs, the sleepy face after feeding, and all the beautiful memories connected to raising a newborn baby.
Sarah's lifestyle newborn session is taken in the comfort of her client's home. Her newborn session style is filled with simplicity, minimalism, and modernism. No extra props or excessive posing is needed because she purely focuses on the comfort of the baby and each family member.
San Diego, CA
Orange County, CA
Mission Valley (San Diego)
Carlsbad, California
Mission Valley (San Diego)
Point Loma (San Diego)
- Elaine, Former SNP Motherhood Client
- Lana, Former SNP Motherhood CLient
- Thu N, former Family Portrait Client
Best of all, the photos turned out SO GOOD. She's a very talented photographer and we are so grateful for the memories she captured.